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Area Rug In-Home Cleaning in Tampa

Do you have unsightly stains on your area rug? Has it built up dust and debris over time? Never fear, our professional cleaners at Bowden’s Carpet Cleaning in Tampa, FL, provide in-home area rug cleaning starting at $1.00 per square foot.

area rug in room with bench and shelves

Why Area Rugs Are Essential for Your Home

Unlike wall-to-wall installed carpeting, area rugs are carpets that can be placed anywhere, moved around, and taken with you when you move. Area rugs are ideal for rooms that have floors made of a hard surface, like hardwood, tile, or laminate. They provide a way to enhance comfort and pull a room together without forgoing the look and feel of the hard surface in the rest of the space. Area rugs can also layer on top of existing wall-to-wall carpet to add an extra layer of style.

The benefits of area rugs are numerous, including noise reduction, enhanced comfort, and more. Large rugs help cut down on noise in your home by absorbing sound from the air and providing a quieter landing surface for noisy feet. They also increase warmth in the room and provide a softer feel for bare feet. The additional padding also helps cushion your steps, taking some pressure off of your joints as you stand or walk.

A mixed race family of three relaxing on the sofa

When to Clean Your Area Rug in Tampa

While vacuuming can help remove the top layer of dust, dirt, and debris from your area rugs, you will still need to conduct professional cleaning periodically. The most obvious signs your area rug needs cleaning are stains. Whether the stains stem from pets, food and beverage spills, dirt, grease, or ink, our professionals will have them gone and your rug looking like new in no time. Another reason you should have your area rug cleaned in Tampa immediately is if you’ve sustained water damage in the space where your rug is.Even if it doesn’t appear severely damaged, the dampness can lead to mold and slow damage over time, creating an unhealthy environment in your home.

Even if you don’t have noticeable damage, however, you should have your rugs cleaned every six months or so, depending on how heavily the rugs are used. Dust, dirt, and allergens build up unseen in the deep layers of your rugs, unreachable by a vacuum. Professional cleaners can get rid of all that buildup and leave your house feeling fresh and clean.

The Process of In-Home Area Rug Cleaning

Many individuals try to clean their area rugs themselves with do-it-yourself cleaning solutions. Unfortunately, this approach can often lead to damage due to using the wrong type of cleaning product for your rug or due to scrubbing the fibers too vigorously. When you call in the professionals at Bowden’s Carpet Cleaning, you won’t have to worry about either of those issues. When we arrive at your home, we’ll assess your area rugs and tailor our cleaning methods to their needs, noting heavily soiled areas and sensitive fibers. We’ll then use our state-of-the-art cleaning methods to clean your area rug then and there, leaving you with a fresher, healthier home.

Why You Should Choose Bowden’s Carpet

Bowden’s Carpet Cleaning is your number-one choice for carpet cleaning in Tampa and surrounding areas. We’ve been providing customers with high-quality, affordable service for more than a decade, earning excellent reviews on Angie’s List and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. We utilize the best professional carpet cleaning resources to make sure your home is effectively cleaned, including truck-mounted steam cleaning, Rotovac scrub cleaning, and truck-mounted deodorization. If you have an area rug or other carpeting or tile that needs cleaning, call our experienced professionals today at 813-363-2040 for an appointment! In-home rug cleaning starts at 50 cents per square foot!

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