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cleaning carpet

Here at Bowden’s Carpet Cleaning, it’s our mission to turn your sanctuary into a healthier, clean living space for your family. We offer professional carpet cleaning in Tampa, along with water and damage restoration, Oriental rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and tile and grout cleaning. Our team is comprised of consummate professionals who are dedicated to ensuring your family’s complete satisfaction. We are an A+ rated company by the Better Business Bureau and our customers consistently give us rave reviews on Angie’s List.

Our IICRC-certified cleaning company is also certified for water and damage restoration and can respond promptly to emergency calls. We work closely with insurance companies and provide Saturday appointments for your convenience. When you choose Bowden’s Carpet Cleaning, you can rest assured that your home is in capable, trustworthy hands. Each of our clients receives a satisfaction guarantee; our friendly technicians won’t leave until you are completely satisfied with our work.